Video: The Rule of 5 / The Power of Consistency advance advance planner video Jul 23, 2021

About 7 years ago I heard John Maxwell-- a leadership guru-- speak to a group of business leaders...

“If it’s not your dream,” he said, “then don’t do it. Do something...

Video: Where do you want to go? advance advance planner video Jul 16, 2021

Most of us live some sort of fixed routine. Your routine might be a “good” one or a “bad” one. Your daily routine might be intentional or it might be unintentional. Either...

Video: Don't (forget to) sweat the small stuff advance advance planner video Jul 09, 2021

One day, a lady named Mary stopped me in the halls at a business workshop. "I want to thank you for what you taught my husband at the recent Advance!" she said.

I explained that I'm not sure I...

Video: Success doesnโ€™t change people advance advance planner video Jul 02, 2021

“Success changed them.”

I’ve heard it a bunch. You probably have, too.

The truth is more like this— success didn’t change them. Rather, success—

removed the...

Video: The time will pass anyway-- might as well use it advance advance planner video Jun 25, 2021

One of the biggest we have... is our perception of TIME, and how much of it we have, or how long the dream will take, how much time might pass for healing comes, before we're able to launch into...

Video: The next best time is now advance advance planner video Jun 18, 2021

The best time to invest in your present was yesterday. The next best time... is now. 

There's an ancient Chinese proverb which asks, "When is the best time to plant a tree."

The answer: "50...

Video: Why you need healthy relationships with whole people advance advance planner video Jun 11, 2021

We are created in God’s image, so we are designed for relationships.

And I think we’ll never be totally fulfilled until we’re walking in healthy relationships with whole people....

Video: Relational oneness = supernatural empowerment to make the extraordinary happen advance advance planner relationships video Jun 04, 2021

Relationships are hard.

But they’re worth it.


And then there’s this…

When we avoid deep relationships, we limit ourselves from becoming all we’re designed to be,...

Video: Choose your passion + your purpose advance advance planner video May 28, 2021

In the Advance Planner I outline three connected areas which are important to identifying your purpose:

  1. Passions
  2. Expertise
  3. Financial Opportunities

Passions are things you really enjoy doing. You...

Video: You're a unique, unrepeatable miracle of God advance planner video May 21, 2021

Proverbs 22:6 tells us, “Train up a child in the way they should go, and when they’re older they won’t depart from it.”

I’ve often heard pastors and spiritual leaders...

Video: Success = a recipe, not a lottery ticket advance advance planner video May 14, 2021

Success is more like following a recipe than finding the right lottery ticket.

If it was a lottery ticket, that means…

‍ There’s a limited amount available

‍ If someone else...

Video: What is success? advance planner video May 07, 2021


What is it?

If you line 17 people up and start taking answers, you’ll find 13 or 14 different ones. A few of the people will agree, but most of them will share their unique...

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