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Top 7 = Heaven Bound, a new driver, the birthday boy

top 7 Aug 14, 2023

Last week I “landed” from the Chicago trip— rested a bit, then got back into work mode…

Yeah, we made some time for fun, as well…

The week began— on Sunday— with some time off. I didn’t arrive back to the house, even, until well after midnight Saturday evening / Sunday morning (2am). So, Beth and I slept in (didn’t go to sleep until about 4am), then went to eat lunch at one of our fav “chill” spots, Beer Hog— where they have fantastic pizza.

Here’s how that fits into the Top 7, along with some other high points from the week…


Fitness = rest, Sunday

The time off last Sunday, especially after a whirlwind week, reminded me of the importance of taking a pause. You can’t ALWAYS be on— nor can you always be off.

I talk about “RHYTHM” and living in the right pace in the Soul Wholeness book— and course. Here’s a short clip from the video series: 

Note: you can download the “best of Soul Wholeness” audio free— 


Finance = Beth’s biz

At the end of last week, we worked on a few times for Beth’s biz— just before shooting out the door. I’ll update you NEXT week as we have more in place.

If you want a sneak peak, go to


Family = another driver

Judah got his permit this week.

Full disclosure: he’s 15.5.

I remember “back in my day” (an “old person” statement, of course) that we rushed to get our permits and licenses THE DAY we were eligible. Some of us even had our parents check us out of school, during study hall, so we could do the honors.

Not so much anymore.


Field = Three trainings recorded

I recorded three additional trainings for Amplify Pro this past week— including: the book launch timeline course…

… something I’ll put into practice as I prep to release the Soul Wholeness workbook / live course in the near future AND the rebooted Advance resources.


Faith = Dad’s Heaven book

For the past few weeks I’ve worked a bit on my Dad’s “Heaven book.” It comes from a study he taught at Mount Zion Baptist in Huntsville, where he was recently the Senior Adult Pastor (before retiring).

Here’s part of the premise—

Somebody once said that we can “become so Heavenly-minded that we’re no earthly good.”

Turns out, the opposite is true. Being Heavenly-minded is good for every area of life. Remembering our ultimate destination (as well as our most important citizenship) empowers us to think long-term, to endure difficult seasons, and to live for the things that matter most.

But it’s hard to be Heavenly-minded when you don’t know much about the place.

(And, there aren’t many books, sermons, and studies on the subject, even though the Bible is a treasure-trove of truths about our eternal Home.)


In Heaven Bound (that’s the working title), you’ll learn what you need to know about the literal journey of your lifetime. In the process, we’ll—

⭐️ Talk about what Heaven is actually like— and how the “present Heaven” (where people go when they die) differs from the “permanent Heaven” (where we’ll be forever)

⭐️ Take a closer look at some of the important themes in Scripture that we don’t pay much attention to— including why the physical Resurrection of Jesus matters and how it’s overtly practical for us

⭐️ Tackle 18 common questions about Heaven, including what you’ll look like, what personality and age you’ll have, whether or not you’ll still be married, and if we’ll be spirits or actual people— and if Heaven will be physical or not

⭐️ Test commonly held beliefs about Heaven against the truth of Scripture (and identity a few major misconceptions— false beliefs held even in the Church)

⭐️ Travel back in time to see how brothers and sisters in Christ felt their belief in the certainty Heaven empowered them to fill their years on earth with eternal significance


In the same way that we prepare for vacations and holidays based on where we’re headed, so also should we prepare for Heaven. The destination informs the journey.

Take a sneak peak at the book here—

The book should be available in the next 30 days.



Friends = podcast w/ the Padre

I also recorded some of the footage for season four of the Warrior Hope Podcast. That meant I got to talk to Father Ed for about 90 minutes one afternoon.


Fun = birthday, Levi

Wednesday, Beth and I took Levi out for this birthday— with Ari— to Emmy Squared Pizza at the Summit.



That’s the highlight reel for the week.

If you’re just now dropping in, each week I look back at the week behind + preview the week ahead— so I don’t miss anything— and look and highlight at least one thing for which I’m grateful in each of the 7 key areas of life…

πŸ’™ Fitness


🏠 Family

πŸ›  Field (work, career)

πŸ™ Faith

πŸ‘Š Friends

πŸŽ‰ Fun

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