The interruptions are where the best things happen

Life is full of interruptions. In fact, if it wasn’t for the constant nips and tugs at us, most of us could be far more productive. 

Or so we think.


When you look through the Gospels, though, you realize that MANY of the great things Jesus did happened in the unplanned pauses of His day— in those interruptions. 

Look at His story. 

  • A few friends break a hole in the roof of a house where He’s teaching— because they can’t get through the crowds. They interrupt his monologue. 
  • The woman with the flow of blood interrupts Him when He’s on the way to heal Jairus’ daughter (his daughter dies, during the interval).
  • The feeding of the 5,000 wasn’t planned— a crowd followed Him and interrupted His vacation. 
  • The woman who anointed Him for burial interrupted a dinner party where He was an honored guest…

And remember, if anyone would SEEM like they needed to hurry, it would be Him. He had about 3 years to full-time ministry to not only change the world— literally— but to alter the course of all of eternity.


If you think that you’re being held back from making progress because of the stuff that keeps crowding your day, take heart… 

… God is still in control. And, often, He delivers some of the best stuff in those unplanned, spontaneous moments of unexpected interruption. 



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