Stronger | eBook + audiobook

What you'll get:

πŸ”₯ Lessons on how to LEAD STRONG + LOVE STRONGER

πŸ”₯178 page eBook

πŸ”₯4h 42m audiobook  in 11 chapters

πŸ”₯Login from all of your devices to stream, or download to your MP3 player, smartphone, or other listening device

Instant access to both for a total of $11

Many people choose to add the Identity audiobook to their order...

... for just $15.

Here's why: 

πŸ’™Your identity is what you believe the most important voice in your life says about you

πŸ’™If your identity isn't based in what your Heavenly Father says, it will be subject to circumstances 

πŸ’™Shifting identity makes it more difficult to lead strong and love stronger...

Click here to add the Identity audiobook to your order.
